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2 months ago

If you’re part-way through a degree or course that means you need a little real world practice to sink your teeth into, we’re ready if you are.

What will I be doing?

Four days a week, for 8 weeks, you’ll be one of the team: working in the buzz of Liverpool’s Bold Street.

You’ll have the chance to work with our amazing team of writers, designers, motionographers, strategists – shadowing live projects and even getting a chance to develop your own piece for your portfolio.

And of course, you’ll be supported all the way.

Will I be paid?

We wouldn’t have it any other way. All our placement students are paid £250.00 a week, for the entirety of their time here.

Anything else?

Pay, perks, potential. You’ll be rubbing shoulders with top people, in a city centre studio, where you can experience what it’s like to put the skills you’ve learnt at uni to work, in a supportive creative learning environment.

Sounds great. How do I apply?

Drop us an email with the subject line ‘Continuous placement’ telling us why telling us why you’d smash a sandwich placement with us, and a link to your portfolio. We’ll be in touch.